New Jersey Foods


New Jersey Fresh produce including our famous Jersey tomatoes, some of the finest Italian Foods in the country, roadside stands, hot dogs, boardwalk bounty, New Jersey has it all.

North Jersey claims the title to "Best Pizza in the Country," with most towns claiming one or more of their local pizza parlors offering simply "The Best." New York shares the title with Jersey and there are more similarities than differences in our opinion.

Just like our hard rolls, bagels, and pizza crust, many claim our secret ingredient is the water. That's right folks, the good old, very hard tap water flowing free from taps all over the Garden State. An entrepreneurial spirit in Miami claims he personally trucks south thousands of gallons of our water monthly to make his now famous "NY Style" pizza in Southern Florida.

Pork Roll, also known as Taylor Ham in North Jersey is a big claim to fame for Jerseyans. The highly addictive pork product is most commonly thought of as a breakfast food but even Bon Jovi claims it as a cure for a hangover.

"Diners are made for Sunday mornings or the day after when you need grease to soak up everything you did the night before. Then you order breakfast and lunch at the same time. That’s the greatest. It cures a hangover." -- Jon Bon Jovi

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